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4 Simple Methods I Use To revitalize my Bible Study

Whether you’re a new or seasoned Christian, it’s no secret that bible Study is ESSENTIAL for spiritual growth. It’s life giving pages helps you get through the week during Sunday morning sermons and in your most challenging moments when you’re unsure what to do and need some direction. It’s truly a road map for life. 

In the early years of my faith walk, I’ve learned to love reading the bible. Though I did do some slacking off once in awhile, overtime, bible study became a practice where time in the word became a non-negotiable everyday whether it’s for 5 minutes or 3 hours. It’s a spiritual discipline that I asked God for and praise God He answered my prayer. Studying the bible has changed my life TREMENDOUSLY and got me through some of darkest seasons of my life. 

But there were moments...where my bible study seemed a little dry and stale. It started to become mundane and less satisfying. I felt like I wasn’t getting much out of my study, I found myself more distracted than diligent in my reading. When I should be glued to the word, I found myself wanting to gloss over it and check it off my “spiritual to-do” list. It wasn’t enough to sit down, open my bible and just read. Though I’m typically a person who thrives off of routine, I knew that I needed something different.

Maybe you’ve experienced something like this or you’re currently feeling this way about your personal Bible Study time now. Don’t worry. I completely understand and it doesn’t make you a terrible Christian for feeling this way. Even our relationships, especially if you’re married, need some spicing up from time to time.  

In this blog, I’m going to share with you 4 simple and effectives methods that I use to liven up my Bible Study. You can use these methods too in your study time also for better engagement and deep satisfaction in the word. 

Listening to the Word

For someone who thrives off of sitting down in a cozy spot with my lemon ginger tea to read silently, I’m discovering how special listening to the Bible can be. I’m not talking listening to the word during a church service. Of course, there’s a time and place for that. I’m talking getting on your bible app and listening to Bible. 

Here’s Why It Works

There’s a certain type of dynamic comprehension you obtain when the Bible is read to you versus you reading it. While both methods are powerful in their own right and needed for understanding, hearing the word will have us pay attention a little more closely and catch things that we may have glossed over when while reading (Romans 10:17). It’s a great alternative to reading. Lately, I’ve been listening to the Bible more and I’ve caught so many things that I didn’t notice before and found myself asking, “Wait? That was in the Bible???”

Try taking a break from reading with your eyes and experiencing listening to the word of God in your heart. Your spirit will be refreshed...and your eyes will be too. 

Doing the S.O.A.P Bible Study Method

Life get’s busy and sometimes your time with God is limited or you’re new to studying the Bible and need a simple, practical way of getting the most out what you read. The S.O.A.P Bible study method is one that is widely used today and is still one of my tried and true Bible study methods. S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. I love this method so much I wrote an extensive blog post about how to use this method with a FREE downloadable guide that you can learn all about HERE.

Here’s Why It Works

The S.O.A.P Bible Study method is versatile because you can make it as short or extensive as you like. You can use for a scripture to make a quick devotional or a chapter to really dive deep into what God is saying to you. It’s a systematic and structured way to study God’s word instead of free-reading (which there’s nothing wrong with) to connect with God. Be sure to check my other blog post HERE on the S.O.A.P method to get started. 

Study With a Friend or Group

Solo time in the word is phenomenal. It’s just you and God communing together. I typically do bible studies solo. Even though I get so much out of the intimate time that God and I spend together, I can say that the most memorable lessons and studies that I’ve done have been with either a friend or in a group. 

Years ago, I remember doing a 6-week Bible Study with a close friend. It was just me and her gathering together at her house chatting about how God is moving in our lives and what we learned during our weekly lessons. We also did the lessons together. It’s wasn’t anything fancy or over the top. It was simple and I learned quite a bit about God’s character and who He really is. It wasn’t before long that I joined groups which really had made a significant impact. 

Here’s Why It Works

Studying the bible with a friend or group not only gives you the intimacy with God, knowledge of God’s word but also community and accountability. It’s nice to have others come along side you as you walk your faith journey out as well as hear different perspectives of how God is working not only in your live but for others as well. Studying the Bible with a friend or group also helps with deeper understanding. They may provide insight and wisdom that you may have missed as well as a shoulder to lean on saying that you’re not alone in your struggles. 

Your Bible Study doesn’t have to be long and extravagant. If you wanted to do something quick, you can share a Bible reading plan with a friend from the Bible App (I’ve done this and it’s really cool) or just meet up for lunch or coffee. You’ll be surprised how enriching your bible study will be. 

Turn Your Lessons Into a Prayer

There are moments where reading the Bible can be difficult to read. Between the many prophetic books like Ezekiel or law books like Leviticus, you’ll want to either give up or by the first chapter or skip it all together. Trust me, I’ve been there...many of times.

One of the techniques I’ve used is turning what I’m reading into prayers. I’m simply taking what I’m reading whether it’s a chapter, paragraph, or even a sentence and turning them into prayers in my journal. I’m also writing my honest thoughts and feelings about what I’m reading. 

As I’m doing this, I’m asking God the following questions:

  • How do you want me to approach your word?

  • What are you saying to me that’s important?

  • What can I learn about Your character?

  • What action steps that I need to do to carry out your word?

Here’s Why It Works

Many of times we can approach our Bible Study with preconceived notions and ideas about God, His character, and what His word is about. I’ve noticed that this happens in the more difficult books and topics of the bible. Journaling your lessons and turning them into prayers is an excellent way to deepen your intimacy with God by revealing your true and deepest feelings, reservations, and other thoughts about His word to Him. This is chance to share what’s on your heart about what you’re reading and allowing the Holy Spirit reveal to you what’s needed in your study. 

Prayer is communication with God. God delights in your prayers and there’s nothing more delightful than Him hearing your heartfelt thoughts about His word and Him wanting to give your wisdom and direction on what you need to learn and how to grow as a victorious Christian. God isn’t a cold and clinical God. He’s loves you. 

I hope these simple tips inspire your to spice up your Bible Study should you find yourself feeling like it’s lost it sparkle and luster over time. Remember, you don’t have to stick to one method. You can try various ones in various seasons. The important thing is to study the word and study with enjoyment. 

Do you have any other simple tips that you use to spice up your Bible Study routine? I’d love to hear them. Drop them in the comments below.