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How to Use the S.O.A.P Bible Study Method

If you were to ask me 15+ years ago if I found studying the Bible enjoyable, you would either get no response from me or I would flat out tell you, “NO!” But when you accept Christ and allow Him to take over your life, your tastes for certain things change over time and this most likely includes studying God’s word. 

Over the years, I’ve grown to love studying the Bible. It’s essential that my spirit feasts on it daily for nourishment. But, it was not always that way. I remember a time where I wasn't very good at reading and studying God’s word. Studying the Bible seemed difficult, challenging, and intimidating which led me to being uninterested. 

I had a desire to read the Bible but I didn’t have a clue on how and where to start. As someone who thrives on structure and practicality, free flowing Bible studies didn’t quite cut it for me. 

Back in 2013, I’ll never forget being taught this wonderfully structured method that would make Bible Study phenomenally delightful and simple. It’s gained popularity over the years and is considered one of the “tried and true" methods for both new and seasoned students of God’s word. This method is called the SOAP method with the SOAP being an acronym for:

S: Scripture

O: Observation 

A: Application

P: Prayer

The SOAP Bible Study method not only helps me study God’s word, it’s helped me TREMENDOUSLY as a Christian blogger as well. In fact, nearly all of my blog posts come from this method. I even used this method during my healing journey from anxiety.

In this blog post, you’ll learn about the SOAP method step-by-step and how using it can enhance your understanding and enjoyment in God’s word. When studying the bible, it’s important for you to be prepared, so be sure to have the following tools with you.

You will need:

  • Your Bible

  • Highlighters 

  • Pens

  • A notebook/journal

If you don’t have a journal or notebook, you can get FREE instant access to my SOAP Method mini study guide. This mini guide is tailor-made to this specific method to help you stay on track and get the most out of your study.

Click the button below to access your SOAP Method Study Guide.

Once you have your materials, let’s get started.

“S” for Scripture

Scripture is the most important component of this study method because without scripture, there would be NO study. Reading scripture is essential because it gives us comprehension and awareness to who God is and what He's all about. 

When studying, carefully read the scripture. If you need to, write the entire scripture out in your notebook to gain better clarity and comprehension on what you're reading. 

We’ll use Psalm 32:8 for an example:

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8 NLT

Study Tip: I’m a firm believer that context is everything. It’s always a good idea to read a scripture or two before and after to gain a better understanding of what’s written. 

“O” for Observation

Once you have read or written out your scripture, it’s time to dive deeper. Write down what you notice or observe from the scripture. For now, it’s important to stick to the FACTS only.

A few questions to think about when observing:

  • What is happening in the verses? 

  • Who is speaking?

  • Where is the location? (If applicable)

  • What's God saying to you in the scripture?

  • What keywords are being used?

We’ll use our example scripture in Psalm 32:8

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8 NLT


  • God is the one speaking 

  • Words like “guide,” “advise,” and “watch” stand out

  • God promises to guide, advise, and watch over us. 

“A” for Application 

After writing your observation from scripture, find the main message of what you’ve read and how you can either take action or heed. 

When find the application, you might want to consider these questions:

  • What's the main takeaway/message from this scripture? 

  • How can I apply this scripture to my life or help others do the same?

We’ll again use our example scripture in Psalm 32:8:

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8 NLT


God promises to help us walk the best pathway for our lives with His guidance, watchful care, and counsel. 

Study Tip: Sometimes, we may intermingle our observations and applications together. Remember that observations focus on facts while our applications focus on our understanding and opinions based on God’s word. 

“P” for Prayer

After taking everything that you learned from scripture, write a prayer asking God to help you apply it to your life. Use the scripture you've studied as a guide for focused prayer to God. This is an excellent way to connect with God and even be transparent about all that you’ve learned or have questions about what you’ve read

We’ll go back to our example scripture in Psalm 32:8:

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8 NLT


Heavenly Father, 

You are the God that holds all things together and nothing escapes Your notice. Not even the details for my life. Thank You for being my guide and keeping me on the best pathway for my life. Thank You for Your counsel and watchful eye on me knowing that I don’t have to walk this journey of life alone. Help me to remember this truth when the journey gets rough. In Jesus’ Name. 


Using the SOAP Bible study method is a great tool for time with God. But it’s also important to remember to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and prompt you in your study. Your time of study should be more about connecting and being intimate with Christ than focusing on getting things perfect in your notebook or study guide.

Don’t forget your grab your FREE SOAP Study Guide.

May you experience abundant growth in spirit, wisdom, and most importantly your relationship with God. Always.

Have you heard of the SOAP Bible study method before? If so, how have you used it? Are there other bible study methods you know? Leave a comment below.