Hey there! Allow me to (formally) introduce myself…
Lindsey Capron (Last name pronounced KAY-PREN)
I’m the quirky, (somewhat) often comical, transparent writer behind the Christian Lifestyle Blog, Love Grace and Light. There are so many other Christian blogs out there that you could be reading but I’m grateful that you’ve taken the time to stop by mine.
Writing and journaling has always been a passion of mine…
When I first came to Christ back in 2012, my writings went no further than my own personal journals filled with thoughts, reflections, questions, and worship about God, His character and His word. During that time, it was sacred and personal space where I could articulate what I was learning and how I was growing as I navigated life as a Christian woman.
In November 2017, God asked me to do something shockingly unexpected: Start a blog and share my writings rooted and grounded in His word with other Christian women feel alone, have questions, or need hope and encouragement in living a victorious life in Christ.
Of course, I felt unqualified and super ill-equipped for it. I even gave God over one hundred excuses (like Moses) on why He chose the wrong girl and that He should pick someone else. After all, I knew nothing about blogging and felt like I had to be in seminary school to even remotely write anything about God. Over the years, God kept me as I stumbled through blogging and sharing what God had impressed upon my heart. The more I wrote, the more I began to see other Christian women connect with my writings. It also became a form of worship for me.
I typically write about my Christian journey, musing, thoughts and other life happenings along with the lessons and blessings that God shows me along the way. It’s life through a biblical lens. While I don’t proclaim to be an “expert” or a “great theologian” like the late C.S. Lewis or Charles H. Spurgeon, my goal is to share with you biblical encouragement and truth, resources, and tips to help you live a victorious life in Christ.
I pray that you are blessed as you read what God is doing in my life and the beautiful ways He can transform yours.