From Doing to Being: Resting Jesus' Way Using Matthew 11:28-30

In a frantic world, rest seems elusive, almost nonexistent. Between life and the world, you may ask, “How can we rest when it feels like the world is literally on fire?”

I believe rest seems nearly impossible because of the fast paced world we live in. Our “microwave society” says we have to live and have things done immediately and there’s no time for stopping. Live too slow, you’ll miss out. Do things too slow, you’re not good enough or a failure. 

This kind of messaging puts our mind and spirits constantly on “turbo” where we’re living life faster than we want or can keep up with. We become perpetually anxious. There’s no time to rest but quickly push through life with pressure. 

But no one gives the warning saying that too fast of a living is prone to crashing.

In Matthew 11:28-30 (which is one my favorite scriptures), Jesus shows us a different way to live and rest. Some will call it counterculture but it’s a better way. 

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.

(Matthew 11:28-30 NLT)

Jesus offers TRUE rest; a place where our minds and souls can just stop and not “do” but rather BE

One thing I’ve learned during my healing journey from anxiety is to be okay with STOPPING & RESTING in God. I’ll be honest. It wasn’t easy. My body, mind, and spirit felt hardwired to constantly labor and shoulder my burdens and anxiety because I was used to doing it for so long. Instead of doing, I had to learn how to just BE. 

Jesus’ invitation to come to Him revealed that unless I come to Him and surrender all my anxieties, worries, and cares to Him, learning from Him and taking His yoke upon me, though light, would feel even more difficult and heavy (Matt. 11:29).

Complete rest comes through surrender because surrender widens our capacity to receive more from God. 

Putting this prescriptive scripture like Matthew 11:28-30 into practice can be challenging if you battle anxiety. Trust me, I would know from experience but it’s not impossible. Start with 5 minutes of sitting in God’s presence. You don’t have to say or do anything. 

If you do feel led to pray, here’s a pray that can help you:

Dear Lord, 

I come to you laying down my burdens. My soul is weary and I’m in need of rest. I surrender my mind, soul, and body to you. I give You my anxieties for Your peace and rest. I surrender my spirit and burdensome yoke to You so that I can take on Yoke. In Your Name I pray. Amen. 

If you don’t feel anything at that moment, no worries. Keep practicing as long as you need and as much as you need to. God will honor your diligence in seeking Him. The promise of Him giving you rest is there in the scripture. When you come to Him, He WILL give you rest.


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