Sunday is here and is (STILL) Coming


Growing up, there was a sacredness around Holy Week I remember. However, between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday, only a few days out of the week were highlighted or deemed significant. One of more highlighted days in between the week is Maundy Thursday (the last supper), Good Friday (Jesus’ crucifixion) and Resurrection Sunday (when Jesus rose from the grave)

But as I waited for Resurrection Sunday…there was always this awkward silence between Friday and Sunday. No one spoke about it. It almost felt like this abrupt, painful void or god-sized hole in biblical history. As I grew older celebrating Holy week, question and thoughts of Saturday were often in the back of my mind after hearing the sordid details of Jesus death like, “Jesus, the son of God, just DIED! No one is saying anything. Does anyone EVEN CARE?!” 

I would imagine that during this time, the disciples were also horrified, discouraged, and defeated about all that took place during that week. It would feel as if all hope was lost. 

It’s Saturday. Jesus is now dead. There was no word of encouragement and heaven gave complete darkness and radio silence.. All of their hopes and dreams seemed to be destroyed in a matter of hours even though Jesus gave word of what was to come when He was on earth and it was prophesied to them time after time. 

Their teacher, mentor, and Lord was gone and they felt abandoned. 

This moment would be called “Silent Saturday” as the disciples and the world had to process all that happened between the gory events that happened and the glory that’s to come. Even though everything looked like a mess and death had won…

Sunday was still going to come. 

Jesus would rise and conquer all sin and death forever giving the world the most epic comeback that would ever happen in human and spiritual history. Although Holy Week is over, I needed that reminder this past week: Sunday is HERE and (still) is coming. 

Lately, I’ve found myself in a place where though my head understands that Jesus’ conquered all things evil on that Sunday when He rose, parts of my current reality looks, feels, and sounds like the silence from that dark Saturday. It’s me wrestling with the unanswered prayers, hope deferred, and the silence from heaven about deep, personal things that only God knows about and that I’ve been praying endlessly for. My spirit is trying to grasp and understand what my mind already intellectually knows. 

Maybe you’re in this place too. You know without a doubt in your mind that Sunday is already here and that what Jesus did over two thousand plus years ago changed humanity forever but the truth doesn’t seem to be resonating nor changing your current circumstances. Your life looks like “Silent Saturday” as you watch your hopes and dreams die, relationships/friendships fall apart, finances dry up, or you become spiritually lethargic as you wrestle and deal with unanswered prayers and hope deferred. 

If I could, I’d give you a big hug, look you square in the eye, and say, “I understand.”

However, I would also tell you this. The glory and truth of that triumphant resurrection Sunday is HERE and it doesn’t matter what month of the year or day of the week it is in order to receive it. Although you may be experiencing a “Silent Saturday '' moment or season in your life right now, you can grab hold of this truth until your triumphant and glorious “Sunday” comes. 

Jesus resurrection on that Sunday gives us hope to withstand our current darkness of the “Silent Saturday” and also shows:

  • God will finish what He started. You will not be stuck in your Silent Saturday forever. Remember, Sunday still has to come. (Phil. 1:6-7)

  • God is working, dismantling, and conquering the enemy even in your darkest and silent moments and seasons. (Rev. 1:17-18)

  • Your seemingly deferred and dead situations can be resurrected and restored. (John 11:25)

  • God can and will bring about His resurrecting glory even while it’s still dark. (Matt. 28:1-10)

Darkness and silence may be here for a while but it WILL have to give way to God’s glory (John 1:4-5). I understand that it may seem difficult to keep pressing on especially if you’ve experienced what seems like the longest Silent Saturday of your life but take heart…

Sunday is HERE and your Sunday is STILL coming.


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