How Much Trouble Are We Borrowing Today?

Earlier this week, I took some time to watch one of my favorite Christian YouTube influencers and he created a video saying that we didn’t miss God and that everything is going to be okay. God is present in the now and though He is in the future, He wants us to experience the blessings He has for us today.

As I finished his video, I thought of an excerpt from my 15-day devotional ebook, Kept Calm: Experiencing God’s Peace While Overcoming Anxiety. This excerpt “Borrow Trouble” is a TOP favorite (or at least one of them) of mine and I wanted to share it with you.

I pray that it brings you peace as the revelation God gave me in writing it did for me.

Borrowed Trouble

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Matthew 6:34 KJV

Worrying about tomorrow is easy to do and a hard habit to break. Thinking about tomorrow seems appealing because it gives us a way to escape our present circumstances, especially if they’re unfavorable. However, Jesus commands us not to take thought or worry about tomorrow for various reasons.

Each of us are given 24 hours in a day. By God’s sovereignty and providence, He deemed fit for us to handle ONLY those 24 hours. Anything more than that will crush us. Additionally, focusing on today stops us from placing ourselves in unnecessary emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical debt because the weight of us worrying about the future will cost us big in the present.

We don't have the capacity to handle or control what will happen in the future no matter how much we plan or try.

Our moments today should be our main focus because we have enough troubles and problems that need to be handled. When we focus on the future, we miss God's help and strength in what today may bring. Also, we miss out on God’s big purpose for our lives. This kind of living will have today’s problems spill into tomorrow’s which can create bigger issues and greater anxiety.

While there’s nothing wrong with planning for tomorrow and for the future tentatively, we need to live for today where God’s presence is the most present. Let’s stop borrowing tomorrow’s trouble. God is with us today and will lovingly guide us through this day while preparing us for the next.

Let’s Pray

Almighty God, there are moments where I make the mistake of borrowing tomorrow's problems for today. I repent and want to leave the future problems in the future where You already have them figured out. I don’t want to add more trouble to today. I pray that You guide me, give me strength and wisdom to handle today’s troubles. Grant me peace as we work together to tackle these issues. You are all powerful and know what I need. I surrender these 24 hours to You. Amen.

What future troubles do you find yourself borrowing to fit in the present? What do you need to surrender in order to experience God’s peace and presence in the present? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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